
Login with Apple

Supabase Auth supports using Sign in with Apple on the web and in native apps for iOS, macOS, watchOS or tvOS.


To support Sign in with Apple, you need to configure the Apple provider in the Supabase dashboard for your project.

There are three general ways to use Sign in with Apple, depending on the application you're trying to build:

In some cases you're able to use the OAuth flow within web-based native apps such as with React Native, Expo or other similar frameworks. It is best practice to use native Sign in with Apple capabilities on those platforms instead.

When developing with Expo, you can test Sign in with Apple via the Expo Go app, in all other cases you will need to obtain an Apple Developer account to enable the capability.

Using the OAuth flow for web

Sign in with Apple's OAuth flow is designed for web or browser based sign in methods. It can be used on web-based apps as well as websites, though some users can benefit by using Sign in with Apple JS directly.

Behind the scenes, Supabase Auth uses the REST APIs provided by Apple.

To initiate sign in, you can use the signInWithOAuth() method from the Supabase JavaScript library:

provider: 'apple',

This call takes the user to Apple's consent screen. Once the flow ends, the user's profile information is exchanged and validated with Supabase Auth before it redirects back to your web application with an access and refresh token representing the user's session.

For a PKCE flow, for example in Server-Side Auth, you need an extra step to handle the code exchange. When calling signInWithOAuth, provide a redirectTo URL which points to a callback route. This redirect URL should be added to your redirect allow list.

In the browser, signInWithOAuth automatically redirects to the OAuth provider's authentication endpoint, which then redirects to your endpoint.

await supabase.auth.signInWithOAuth({
options: {
redirectTo: ``,

At the callback endpoint, handle the code exchange to save the user session.

Create a new file at app/auth/callback/route.ts and populate with the following:

import { cookies } from 'next/headers'
import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'
import { type CookieOptions, createServerClient } from '@supabase/ssr'

export async function GET(request: Request) {
const { searchParams, origin } = new URL(request.url)
const code = searchParams.get('code')
// if "next" is in param, use it as the redirect URL
const next = searchParams.get('next') ?? '/'

if (code) {
const cookieStore = cookies()
const supabase = createServerClient(
cookies: {
get(name: string) {
return cookieStore.get(name)?.value
set(name: string, value: string, options: CookieOptions) {
cookieStore.set({ name, value, ...options })
remove(name: string, options: CookieOptions) {
cookieStore.delete({ name, ...options })
const { error } = await supabase.auth.exchangeCodeForSession(code)
if (!error) {
return NextResponse.redirect(`${origin}${next}`)

// return the user to an error page with instructions
return NextResponse.redirect(`${origin}/auth/auth-code-error`)


You will require the following information:

  1. Your Apple Developer account's Team ID, which is an alphanumeric string of 10 characters that uniquely identifies the developer of the app. It's often easily accessible in the upper right-side menu on the Apple Developer Console.
  2. Register email sources for Sign in with Apple for Email Communication which can be found in the Services section of the Apple Developer Console.
  3. An App ID which uniquely identifies the app you are building. You can create a new App ID from the Identifiers section in the Apple Developer Console (use the filter menu in the upper right side to see all App IDs). These usually are a reverse domain name string, for example Make sure you configure Sign in with Apple once you create an App ID in the Capabilities list. At this time Supabase Auth does not support Server-to-Server notification endpoints, so you should leave that setting blank. (In the past App IDs were referred to as bundle IDs.)
  4. A Services ID which uniquely identifies the web services provided by the app you registered in the previous step. You can create a new Services ID from the Identifiers section in the Apple Developer Console (use the filter menu in the upper right side to see all Services IDs). These usually are a reverse domain name string, for example
  5. Configure Website URLs for the newly created Services ID. The web domain you should use is the domain your Supabase project is hosted on. This is usually <project-id> while the redirect URL is https://<project-id>
  6. Create a signing Key in the Keys section of the Apple Developer Console. You can use this key to generate a secret key using the tool below, which is added to your Supabase project's Auth configuration. Make sure you safely store the AuthKey_XXXXXXXXXX.p8 file. If you ever lose access to it, or make it public accidentally please revoke it from the Apple Developer Console and create a new one immediately. You will have to generate a new secret key using this file every 6 months, so make sure you schedule a recurring meeting in your calendar!
  7. Finally, add the information you configured above to the Apple provider configuration in the Supabase dashboard.

Found in the upper-right corner of Apple Developer Center.

Found under Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles in Apple Developer Center.

If the file you select does not preserve the original name from Apple Developer Center, please enter the key ID.

Using sign in with Apple JS

Sign in with Apple JS is an official Apple framework for authenticating Apple users on websites. Although it can be used in web-based apps, those use cases will benefit more with the OAuth flow described above. We recommend using this method on classic websites only.

You can use the signInWithIdToken() method from the Supabase JavaScript library on the website to obtain an access and refresh token once the user has given consent using Sign in with Apple JS:

function signIn() {
const data = await AppleID.auth.signIn()

await supabase.auth.signInWithIdToken({
provider: 'apple',
token: data.id_token,
nonce: '<nonce used in AppleID.auth.init>',

Alternatively, you can use the AppleIDSignInOnSuccess event with the usePopup option:

// Listen for authorization success.
document.addEventListener('AppleIDSignInOnSuccess', async (event) => {
await supabase.auth.signInWithIdToken({
provider: 'apple',
nonce: '<value used in appleid-signin-nonce meta tag>',

Please make sure you request for the scope name email when initializing the library.


To use Sign in with Apple JS you need to configure these options:

  1. Have an App ID which uniquely identifies the app you are building. You can create a new App ID from the Identifiers section in the Apple Developer Console (use the filter menu in the upper right side to see all App IDs). These usually are a reverse domain name string, for example Make sure you configure Sign in with Apple for the App ID you created or already have, in the Capabilities list. At this time Supabase Auth does not support Server-to-Server notification endpoints, so you should leave that setting blank. (In the past App IDs were referred to as bundle IDs.)
  2. Obtain a Services ID attached to the App ID that uniquely identifies the website. Use this value as the client ID when initializing Sign in with Apple JS. You can create a new Services ID from the Identifiers section in the Apple Developer Console (use the filter menu in the upper right side to see all Services IDs). These usually are a reverse domain name string, for example
  3. Configure Website URLs for the newly created Services ID. The web domain you should use is the domain your website is hosted on. The redirect URL must also point to a page on your website that will receive the callback from Apple.
  4. Register the Services ID you created to your project's Apple provider configuration in the Supabase dashboard under Authorized Client IDs.

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